I am of German-Tunisian descent and I’m not from a wealthy family. Nevertheless, my brothers and I had a great childhood. Today more than ever, I can really appreciate this lucky circumstance. As a professional soccer player you see a lot of things in the world and not all of them are nice. I’ve also gotten to know quite a few foundations, especially in the world’s poorest regions. At the same time I think back to my childhood and I know that there are many children and young people around us that did not have the same opportunities and the same luck as me.
That’s why I decided to do something for these children and young people. At the end of 2014 the Sami Khedira Foundation was founded.
No time was lost and we immediately started the first project: The match of the year! On 14/06/2015 we launched a charity game in the Gazi Stadium in Waldau for three children homes and a children’s hospice in the area of Stuttgart.